
морской червь (Australonuphis teres; толщиной до 2,5 см, длиной до 100 см; зеленовато-коричневого цвета; распространён на восточном побережье Австралии)

Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "kingworm" в других словарях:

  • kingworm — /ˈkɪŋwɜm/ (say kingwerm) noun a beachworm, Australonuphis teres, growing up to a maximum of 100 cm with a width of 2.5 cm, greenish to brownish in colour with darker brown bands on the dorsal side and which is distributed along the east coast of… …  

  • beachworm — /ˈbitʃwɜm/ (say beechwerm) noun 1. any of various polychaetous annelids of the family Onuphidae, especially the kingworm and the slimy, that live in sandy beaches, and can be attracted to the surface by the stimulus of food. 2. → giant beachworm …  

  • slimy — /ˈslaɪmi / (say sluymee) adjective (slimier, slimiest) 1. of or like slime. 2. covered with slime. 3. foul; vile. 4. Colloquial servile; unpleasantly ingratiating. –noun Also, SA Colloquial, bungum worm. 5. a beachworm, Australonuphis parateres,… …  

  • stumpy — /ˈstʌmpi/ (say stumpee) adjective (stumpier, stumpiest) 1. of the nature of or resembling a stump. 2. short and thick; stubby; stocky. 3. full of stumps. –noun 4. → stumpy tailed cattle dog. 5. → stump tailed lizard. 6. the juvenile kingworm, up… …  

  • wiry — /ˈwaɪəri / (say wuyuhree) adjective (wirier, wiriest) 1. made of wire. 2. in the form of wire. 3. resembling wire, as in form, stiffness, etc.: wiry grass. 4. lean and sinewy. 5. produced by or resembling the sound of a vibrating wire: wiry tones …  

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